Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The boldest action is utter stillness.
The greatest desire is desirelessness.
The most profound thought, is thoughtlessness.

Monday, February 7, 2011


This is NOT MY VIDEO. But I do want to post it because I found it incredibly elaborated and a totally legitimate hypothesis for creating anti-gravity propulsion and an amazing new source of energy. Why isn't this being tested???

Knowledge & Wisdom

Knowledge is how you survive in the dark.
Wisdom is how you rejoice in the light.
With a one-pointed mind,
As sharp as cold steel,
And a compassionate heart,
Giving and loving,
Fear dissolves,
And all becomes joy.

Creationism and Evolution

 OK this is my personal stab at this topic. I’m tired of the ridiculous arguments from both sides. Religious scholars obviously have a knack for failing science classes for some odd reason. Scientists have a knack for looking at everything from only a “prove-it” standpoint. This is my balanced theory relating my knowledge of genetics, quantum theory, and world religions.

Evolution and DNA is proven as true. There is clear and obvious evidence about how our chromosomes contain DNA which codes for RNA which creates proteins which are the molecules that BUILD us. Therefore, DNA is our source of everything that makes us what we are. It is the programming that builds us from the ground up. Different lifeforms have different chromosome numbers and different genomes to code for the adaptations that those life forms have found useful in their time. We have traced certain parts of our genomes to be matching with other life forms. This is where classification of life comes in. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species etc. These genes stem back all to a common cellular ancestor. This is not hard to accept, the proof is all there if you crack a textbook.

Ok so let’s get into the spiritual phenomena. I do want to bring up a very important topic first because I believe this is one of the main reasons Christianity out of all religions has the hardest time accepting evolution. It is commonly accepted in Christianity today that you only have one life and after this life you are sent into an eternity in heaven or hell. This belief isn’t too farfetched. There are many stories in other religions such as Egypt and Hinduism talking of a reflection of ones own life, a judgment, and other worlds of great joy and great pain after dieing. The flaw in Chrisitianity is saying this is ETERNAL. Though the time spent in Hell realms and Heaven realms are dramatically longer than other realms of incarnation, they do not last forever. The Vatican actually cut reincarnation out of the Bible for some reason around 400 A.D. There are excerpts about it in the original Latin and Hebrew bibles but those are near impossible to find now days. But that’s all another story… I’d estimate about 80% of all religions believe in reincarnation in some form or another and Christianity is one of the odd ones out.

With that said, here is what I think. I think that upon death, the spirit quits the physical body and begins on its journey. A stage mentioned in many religious is a period of time where one reflects upon all events in their life. If you’re Christian, they call this Purgatory. In Buddhism, its bardo. Etc. etc. During this time, the energy of the soul and all of its impressions gained upon life are reflected upon.

We know from modern Quantum Theory application, that observation affects outcome at an atomic level. So here is what I’m getting at… the observation of the spirit’s eye, collapses the wave function of the DNA molecule in the living organism, affecting the AT GC bonds in the DNA molecule. That’s probably kinda hard to grasp for most, but its such a profound thought to accept. What if all throughout these millions of years it wasn’t just a happenstance when an organism had a mutation, but rather a choice of the spirit energy wrapping itself around the organic tissue of its new body during gestation and birth.

Let’s use a lizard as an example. They were thousands of times over probably caught by their tail by a predator and eaten because of it. What if upon dieing, the lizards last thought each time was “if only I didn’t have a tail” or “if only it was shorter” or “If only it was detachable”… THIS is conscious creation! We as life forms during our life and as we exit our body determine what is truly useful or not useful to life. Conciousness existing at an immeasurably high wavelength, penetrates all matter in the universe even down to the ATGC bonds in DNA. We collapse that wave function of the bonds as we reflect upon the life we lived.

This may sound out there, but there is a lot more proof than you may think. Russian scientists have done extensive esoteric DNA experiments. To sum up lots of experiements in a few statements, they have proved the following. Our DNA is a cellphone so to speak. It is constantly in real time communication with other specimen with similar genome. This is how humans and even animal mothers can always know something is wrong with their young emotionally or physically at any time in real time. The mothers actually retain some of the stem cells from their young after they give birth so they technically have some of their DNA within their body.

It also has been experimentally proven that DNA is not “read-only” but it is “read-write”. Excluding the computer lingo, this means DNA is constantly rewriting itself based on the experiences of the organism.

 Putting this all together, we as a human race are CHOOSING what we will evolve into with every single action and every single emotion we choose to experience. It is the collective unconscious of the human race which composes God, that assists in this process.

In the end… how could something as intangible as Conciousness be destroyed? We create what our species will become with each life we live…

The Divine Scale

Shallow scientists, denying the Divine.
Ignorant zealots, clinging to falsified wisdom.
Little do they both know,
the Truth is only shown
to those who can balance
the scales of knowledge and wisdom.