Monday, June 11, 2012

All is One, All is Now

     The longer I live, and the more strange experiences I have in life, the more I'm convinced that neither "time" nor "space" as we like to perceive them even exist.. It almost seems that the entire universe is actually an elaborate matrix of minds and movement of intelligent energy which manifests physical changes.

      All is One and All is Now. Thought is our tool of co-creation. Each an opening of a door to a potential universe should you choose to continue to entertain that thought. Take a look at the objects around you and realize every last object was invented starting with a thought.

      Do these thoughts come from us or to us? Bouts of telepathy seem to throw this in the air. Everyone experiences moments thinking of an old friend, family or loved one then finding them contacting them shortly after. Has it been happening more to you lately? It has been to me and many friends as well. This too is part of the wave of Unity Consciousness that is dawning. The illusion of separation is dissipating. The veil of ego is thinning. Such a bold thought to reflect on, that we are all actually One Mind.

       With these things in mind, realize life is short. Say hello to a stranger. Let someone out in traffic. Reconnect with an old friend. Or even just sit in your room with pure silence and experience to what your soul and your dreaming mind offer you to experience.

      Free yourself from the cycles of pain by realizing when you hurt another, you hurt yourself. Free yourself from the shackles of ignorance and materialism by just spending some time each day meditating to listen to the infinite intelligence of the cosmos. All beings; every last one, they are all shining with a brilliant light inside that’s so beautiful, whether they can see it or not.

      As denoted by nature, world events, and the cosmos; The world is preparing for some sort of change, but do not let your spirit waver. The coming months and years will be something that humanity has never before experienced, but with an open mind and an open heart, love will be your shield and faith will be your sword to carve a path of peace for all.

      Believe there is good out there. There is always help to those who ask, and it’s never too late to forgive yourself, forgive others, and to begin a new future.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Neurology of Mudras

Mudras are an interesting tool in yoga meditation. In yoga, they are believed to balance the flow of energy in specific ways when we meditate on these hand gestures.They serve many separate purposes including focus, relaxation, confidence, protection, wisdom, love and many more. I want to make a quick proposal why this could actually be a lot more powerful than we believe.

In Neurology, there is a model called "The homonculus." This little man is representative of the proportion of neurons we have allocated to each part of the body. The large hands and lips represent how we have an enormous amount of sensitivity in these parts. A light graze of a feather would be felt instantly upon the hands, but on the back or chest, it might not be felt with the same pressure.

The key part I want to theorize here is as follows. These specific hand gestures may be used to trigger neural pathways to other parts of the brain. When the hands are held in these specific configurations, they could be activating other nearby areas of the brain. Or an even more plausible approach, is when you are told to meditate on a specific thought, feeling, or energy while holding your hands in a specific way, it conditions your neural pathways to link the two together. Once the linking becomes strongly conditioned, once the hands are placed into that same mudra, the same thoughts, feelings, and energies naturally arise without the need for a focused concentration. This is why they are so useful to meditation because individually, they become programs for the brain. A simple gesture activates all the deep insights of previous meditations by the links in the neural pathways. Research should be aimed in this direction to test the flexibility of this concept.