Thursday, December 29, 2011

Consciousness as energy

            I have always accepted consciousness as an energy, but passed it off as an intangible energy separate from what we can call “measurable energy”. I still believe this is true, but I have a theory and clues to where it could be hiding.

            If you imagine the entire electromagnetic spectrum, you have radio waves on the far low end of the spectrum and you have gamma rays and cosmic rays on the highest end of the spectrum. Visible light would fall right clean in the middle of the chart. So infra-red, microwaves, and radio waves exist under the red range, and ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma, and cosmic rays exist past the violet range. With reference to the chakras, the violet ray is the energy of the thousand pedaled crown chakra representing consciousness in its own pure formlessness and desirelessness.

            So it is known that cosmic rays contain a massive amount of energy. So much energy, we don’t have a way of reproducing it yet on earth. We can only observe cosmic ray energies that come from supernovas, supermassive black holes, etc.

            What if consciousness is an energy frequency so high that the massive amount of energy breaks the event horizon of light itself? In other words, thought would be the only thing capable of escaping a black hole. Because of this, consciousness exists outside the rules of space-time. This would fit in with the chakra model because the third eye is represented by light, but consciousness itself in its raw form is represented of the seventh chakra, the crown.

            The interesting area is the boundary; the quantum world. The x-ray, gamma, and cosmic ray range all interact with particles and subatomic particles. This is also where we see the interactions of observation affecting matter (the double slit experiment). It seems to hint that thoughts could be carrying energy at a high wavelength similar to subatomic particles which is why it interacts with them. Making that inference you could throw the theory out there that thoughts are actually objects in a higher dimension but we just cannot see them. It would give a lot of meaning to how karma really works. Your thoughts are literally creating equal and opposite reactions of cause and effect through the functioning of higher dimensional constructs.

            Linking the quantum world with being the boundary of matter and mind proves a lot of areas of interest. Phenomenon like quantum entanglement and superposition begin to show the boundlessness of consciousness. Perhaps when the event horizon of light is breached, consciousness reaches a state of ultimate superposition with all particles of the universe. Maybe that’s why the crown chakra is associated with unity, completion, and the worship of the “is-ness”. It is a state of connection with all of the universe and the Creator himself. Everything is perfect just as it is because it is all a reflection of this grand state of cosmic consciousness.

            In the end, we don’t know what consciousness is, but I think this is an intriguing theory to explore further. Perhaps when we have control over cosmic rays, we will unveil things even more boggling than the double slit experiment did. Until then, the only tool to reach the state of pure consciousness is consciousness itself. This is why no one can ever “show you the truth”. This is why all scriptures stress direct experience and the importance of meditation. It is only through deep meditation that you can have a direct experience of consciousness itself, for even words cannot describe what that is.

Alchemy and Organic Chemistry

            It is known that there are five essential elements required for life, organic chemistry, and to form DNA: Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus (H,C,N,O,P). These five elements are essential to the construction of the double helix DNA molecule. There is a strong correlation to Alchemy among this simple organic chemistry though. This concept was originally proposed by Hippocrates in ancient Greece as the theory of four bodily humors affecting personality (melancholic, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic) but I thought I would break it down with a little more detail.

            We have mapped out many elements across the periodic table and we understand most of their properties very thoroughly. We do not know WHY the elements have their specific properties though. It has always been a mystery of chemistry. I want to propose an interesting spiritual observation about five of these elements, and perhaps why they are so important to our biochemistry. This is all just theory and I could actually have some of these elements mixed up, but I’m convinced in some order or another they represent the five elements of all creation.

            The five main organic elements are actually direct correlates of the five elements. Carbon is earth, hydrogen is air, oxygen is water, nitrogen is fire, and phosphorus is ether.

Carbon is easiest to see as earth. Carbon is what most of the planet is made of. It is the foundation of all life. In actuality, the carbon atom itself is really black. This shows the density of carbon and that the color black is just the beginning of the movement of consciousness. This seems to link with the denseness and solidity of the first charka, the root.

            Hydrogen can then be seen as air. Hydrogen is a seemingly simple and free element. It needs only two electrons to be stable. Hydrogen pairs and breaks away like the coming and going of wind. It is the least dense of the elements, and it is actually white or colorless in appearance.

            The hydrogen and carbon pairs combine to make Hydrocarbons, a large area of our organic chemistry. This is the battle of earth and air; yin and yang elements interacting as opposites which complete each other.

            Oxygen is representative of water. We are made of over 60% oxygen atoms by mass (because of all the water in our bodies. H20 = 16 out of 18 g/mol oxygen.) Oxygen is a fuel to the body and to the emotions. It’s light blue color also seems representative of its water nature.

            Nitrogen is the fire element. Most explosives are actually made with nitrogen. Nitrogen has a role with the solar plexus charka and its mental function because nitrogen is very important to the making of amino acids and proteins. These are the mental constructions on the cellular level of how the body will build itself.

            Nitrogen and oxygen interact a lot as well. There are many different oxides of nitrogen. They too, are engaged in a battle of bonding and breaking. Oxides of nitrogen are frequently used as explosives. The rapidly escaping oxygen molecules usually cause explosive reactions. This is the yin and yang of water and fire interacting. The water element is the storage of energy while the fire is the catalyst of burning off the stored energy. Just like nitrogen holding oxygen in place until it is agitated to set itself ablaze as the rapidly escaping oxygen is burned off.

Phosphorous now is left, and it serves an interesting purpose. All of the above molecules are also needed for the DNA molecule but phosphorous is equally important too. Phosphorous actually holds the DNA molecule together as it composes the strands which hold the base pairs. In addition to holding DNA molecule together, 80% of the body’s phosphorous is found in the bones to help hold bone structure together atomically. One of the signature traits of the element ether (not to be confused with the compound ether), is to hold the other elements together while also keeping them apart at the same time. If ether didn’t exist, everything would be stuck together, or everything would fly apart. Some other hints about phosphorous representing the element of ether is its conductivity and it’s gentle, pure, white luminescence. It also burns at an extremely high temperature of 5000 degrees, much like the element of plasma. This seems to reflect the 5th chakra Visshuda in Sanskrit and how it translates to “perfectly pure”, and also how the element of plasma/lightning is associated with it.

So what does this all mean? The five elements are the primordial source of creation everywhere in the universe. You are made in the image of the cosmos. Also, the balance of these five elements in your body may also affect your entire energy flow. Your entire personality could be based off the amounts of these elements in your body. All matter is vibration, and vibration creates frequencies of consciousness.

On that note, why are the five elements so important? It is because they exist everywhere in the entire visible universe. Millions of planets out there all have solid rock, atmospheres, water, and fire. They may not have the same balance of the elements as here on Earth, but the mental archetype of earth, water, fire, wind, and space (ether) are known to all souls that have ever lived anywhere in space and time. They are a part of the collective universal unconscious. Because of this, they carry a dull energy of consciousness. It isn’t self-aware consciousness like us, or animalistic consciousness. It is an existential consciousness because those archetypes help build life, and are thus exposed to the consciousness they created through the long process of evolution. There is a vibration of “is-ness” with the elements because are all vibrating in unison across everywhere in the cosmos. They are the elements that make the body of the universe. Do you see the fractal image of creation?

Thursday, September 1, 2011


            We all have had days that seem more stressful than others. Days where things just don’t go the way we like and our chi is scattered. Psychic defense, or aura shielding, is a very effective way of dealing with situations like these. When the body becomes stressed, the aura shrinks away and diminishes leaving us even more vulnerable. Enforcing this barrier helps to ward the stress away and keep away negative energy. This field is actually measurable using a scientific technique called Gas Discharge Visualization. It measures the charge of the electricity surrounding the body, and research proved that a brief meditation will actually expand and balance this field to remarkable extents. I will go over a few common and personally developed techniques for shielding now.

            Before I do so, I must say a disclaimer. Psychic defense is the working of magic of Light. Psychic offense is NEVER a good idea, because then you are tapping dark forces and reaping bad karma. Remember that like attracts like. Working with light will draw the attention of angels, working with the dark will draw attention of demons. Remember to always keep love of others and the Creator in your heart.

The Bubble

This is the most simplest of shields and the template to work upon. Close your eyes, relax and take a few deep breaths. Imagine a bubble surrounding your entire body and protecting you from harm. You may imagine it starting from the top and forming down the body and eventually the feet too. You may also imagine a sphere starting from the heart and expanding outward to surround you. Do what feels comfortable. This field is also programmable. After practicing the basic bubble, you may start to program the energy to do more specific functions.

The Filter

This is one of the most useful shields. Start with the bubble shield but concentrate on the chi of shield to be strictly pure positive energy. This is a useful shield because you program the energy to only allow positive energy in and out. Negative energy will be warded away and not allowed in.

The Mirror Shield

Imagine a perfectly glossy and flawless mirror coating your aura. This is a more advanced shield that copies the nature of the energy that hits it. Positive energy will be reciprocated with positive response. Negative energy is sent back to where it came.

The Stone Wall

This usually isn’t necessary unless one is under severe attack or about to sustain a physical blow to a certain area of the body. Imagine either the body as a whole, or an area of the body to be completely rock solid, or even metal. Imagine that you are as immovable as a mountain. Nothing can penetrate, not even a bullet. You’d be surprised how effective this can be. This is a similar mental technique to what karate masters use.

The Marshmellow Shield
This is a more advanced shield but useful to the adepts who are skilled with energy work. Imagine a viscous fluid surrounding the aura. This fluid “catches” energy signals and slows them down. While transgressing, it converts negative energy into positive energy which is sent to the user and then reemitted and radiated back out. This one can be tricky because pacing the flow is important, and changing energy polarity is more of an advanced technique. Once mastered though, it gives one strength to work through situations and turn any bad vibes into good ones.

Other pointers

 Also, always begin and end any energy working in the name of the Creator, so that no open channels are left open and unattended.

Timeframes may be set on these constructs. You’d be surprised how accurate your circadian rhythms are with your intent.

Discarding the barriers when done and sending them back into the light as pure energy is also good so that the constructs aren’t floating aimlessly in the astral once abandoned. It also leaves less clutter in your aura.

Scan your shield for holes or cracks. These holes may signify chakra blockages and need energy work. Focusing a little extra protection in these areas helps, but don’t over focus because then it will be lopsided. Balance is key; for it is lack of balance that usually is the initial cause of blockages.

A Wanderer's Handbook

For all the Seers and Seekers out there, this is a book I highly recommend.

To anyone seeking higher consciousness and to anyone who feels outcasted from being spiritual advanced, may this book guide your journey of spirit and wisdom.

"A Wanderer's Handbook" by Carla Lisbeth Rueckert

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Being Here Now.

There comes an unspeakable joy in giving love and thanksgiving to being alive in this exact moment.
To just be.
To just exist.
Purely and clearly like a crystal.
Not dwelling on the past or dreaming of the future, but focused clearly

To just do what you are doing and nothing more. The mind becomes clear as the sky. The heart fills with love and light in adoration for the moment in all of its beauty, no matter what imperfections.

No words can describe this experience for it transcends words. It must be experienced directly. That joy is a timeless prize of consciousness. Because Zen is learning that emptiness is fullness. It is learning to find joy in the moment with empty hands, because we enter and leave this world, carrying nothing in our hands.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Peace and Truth

I really believe there will be a day where the world not only knows peace, but truth as well. No more lies from governments trying to control our private lives, no more materialistic illusions of purpose, but a simple truth that we can all rejoice in. A drive to find the inextinguishable light within us all to guide us to a higher reality of light and love.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Patterns in the Chakras: Geometry and Complementary Colors

I have perceived a couple of interesting patterns in the flow of prana through the chakras. To prevent over elaboration, I’m assuming the reader is already familiar with the seven chakras and their associated attributes.

            Firstly, one must understand that the heart is our electromagnetic singularity. The heart’s EKG readings are 10x stronger than the EEG readings of the brain. Like the saying where there is smoke, there is fire; whenever there is electricity, there is magnetism. This forms a tube torus figure around the body similar to what you would imagine a donut to look like.

            This presents geometry to the flow of kundalini and the chakras. This first sections purpose is to discuss the geometry of the electromagnetic field of the body. All of the chakras of the body spiral outward except the root and the crown. This is because they are “portal” chakras linking us to earth and the infinite celestial bodies above us. This is also why disturbances in these chakras are usually the most drastic because it leaves us farthest from our center. At the same time, these two chakras both contain very strong powers as they draw energy from Heaven and Earth. These are the energies of creation and destruction; light and dark. This too correlates to the visible spectrum as darkness would be below the red range and brilliant light would be past the violet range. The parallel of these are like that of two sides of a magnet. Negative being service only to the self and positive being service only to the Creator. Both of these are radical extremes and thus are balanced in the most sacred place, the heart.
            The heart is one of the most important chakras though. It is our singularity, like the center of a brilliant sun. Perhaps it’s a riddle of physics that stars only become black holes once they stop giving off electromagnetic energy and so they collapse under the force of the gravity energy. Likewise, the human heart must give constantly, because shining our love onto others is what keeps us happy deep down. A heart that wishes not to give will slowly collapse under its own weight. Love truly is the strongest force and the strongest magic.

At a singularity, space-time only exists in a moment of now. All laws of physics break down on the way into a singularity. Science actually doesn’t know what happens in the dead center of a singularity. We theorize that a black hole just leads to a white hole in another universe, but what happens at that perfect middle point? It’s no coincidence that the Anahata heart chakra is a tetrahedron (Star of David). This hexagonal pattern is the simplest geometry which creates vector equilibrium. It’s a pattern which creates a fractal on all scales of the universe demonstrating “as above, so below”. The reason why our singularity and our heart are important is because it is the balancer between the physical/emotional body and the spiritual body. Another hypothesis is that if all singularities go down to a small enough level of existence, then all singularities would have a quantum entanglement of data transfer and therefore imply that we all are One.

What this all means is simple. Love here and now. Not in the past, though those memories should still be treasured. Not in the future, though it is good to have faith and hope for a good outcome. Right now is when love happens and when it is truly felt. So do it from moment to moment, regardless of circumstances.

Stemming out from this singularity is the Throat chakra and the Solar Plexus chakra. These two are the ones funneling in on the tightened curvature of space-time. These are why they are both very powerful chakras. The Solar Plexus is known to be associated with power as it is the seat of the will which either observes or forges reality based on our perceptions or will. The Throat chakra is also very powerful because it contains the essence of vibration. Vibration is the key to movement through space or the assembly and disassembly of matter. Anything if vibrated at the right frequency will either begin to break apart or harmonize flawlessly.

The last pair remaining is the Sacral and the Third Eye. These two chakras are “storehouse” chakras. The Sacral chakra, also referred to as the Dan Tien, stores the Kundalini force and vital energy that is drawn from the base of the spine. Like water, it rests until told to move. The third eye and the mind’s purpose is to store all our memories and thoughts stemming from the Source. Navigating both of these chakras are similar in the aspect that there is much to explore in them because many things are stored there.

Complementary Colors

Red and Green: The bodies. Red is the basis of your physical body in all of its solid form. Green is the basis of your spiritual body in the aspect of your EM field energy. Both of them are the most basic forms of what you would call a “body”. One is physical but the other is spiritual. They also contrast in intent. Red is the energy for the physical body to sustain itself at all costs. Green is the energy of giving to others unconditionally. Therefore they are somewhat polar opposites in this fashion. Elemental attributes are also opposites being Earth and Wind.

Orange and Blue: The communicators of emotion and knowledge. Orange is the center for everything that we feel deeply with our emotions. Our throat chakra is associated with knowledge and our ability to rationalize and communicate. Both of these are communication chakras though. Our emotions communicate our primal energies while our throat chakra communicates the in-streaming of intelligent energy from our mind. Elemental attributes are Water and Ether. (Ether is similar to vibration and sound, both of which have been proven by Dr. Emoto’s research to affect the crystalline structure of water.)

Yellow and Violet: The will and the mind. These two are also very intricately linked. The will is used to direct the power of the mind. A distracted will, is a distracted mind. When focus is attained, one-pointedness of mind is attained. Both of these chakras are over-seers. The will is used to direct and control primal and emotional energy. The mind is used to direct and control intelligent energy. Elemental attributes are Fire and Light. Both of which give off light, but fire is the light of the personal ego, and the other is the true intelligent light energy of the Creator.

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Scientific Deduction of the Creator

If consciousness and observation affects the behavior of photons, then light and consciousness must be inherently linked.

If E=mc^2, then matter is light condensed to a slow vibration.

If all matter is light, then all of the physical universe is made of consciousness.

If all of the physical universe came from one cosmic singularity of the Big Bang, then all matter has a common point of entanglement back to the time-less and space-less moment of the Creation.

Therefore, the entire universe is connected.
Everything is light and consciousness
The entire universe is alive.
And we are all connected to the heart of the universe.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The boldest action is utter stillness.
The greatest desire is desirelessness.
The most profound thought, is thoughtlessness.

Monday, February 7, 2011


This is NOT MY VIDEO. But I do want to post it because I found it incredibly elaborated and a totally legitimate hypothesis for creating anti-gravity propulsion and an amazing new source of energy. Why isn't this being tested???

Knowledge & Wisdom

Knowledge is how you survive in the dark.
Wisdom is how you rejoice in the light.
With a one-pointed mind,
As sharp as cold steel,
And a compassionate heart,
Giving and loving,
Fear dissolves,
And all becomes joy.

Creationism and Evolution

 OK this is my personal stab at this topic. I’m tired of the ridiculous arguments from both sides. Religious scholars obviously have a knack for failing science classes for some odd reason. Scientists have a knack for looking at everything from only a “prove-it” standpoint. This is my balanced theory relating my knowledge of genetics, quantum theory, and world religions.

Evolution and DNA is proven as true. There is clear and obvious evidence about how our chromosomes contain DNA which codes for RNA which creates proteins which are the molecules that BUILD us. Therefore, DNA is our source of everything that makes us what we are. It is the programming that builds us from the ground up. Different lifeforms have different chromosome numbers and different genomes to code for the adaptations that those life forms have found useful in their time. We have traced certain parts of our genomes to be matching with other life forms. This is where classification of life comes in. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species etc. These genes stem back all to a common cellular ancestor. This is not hard to accept, the proof is all there if you crack a textbook.

Ok so let’s get into the spiritual phenomena. I do want to bring up a very important topic first because I believe this is one of the main reasons Christianity out of all religions has the hardest time accepting evolution. It is commonly accepted in Christianity today that you only have one life and after this life you are sent into an eternity in heaven or hell. This belief isn’t too farfetched. There are many stories in other religions such as Egypt and Hinduism talking of a reflection of ones own life, a judgment, and other worlds of great joy and great pain after dieing. The flaw in Chrisitianity is saying this is ETERNAL. Though the time spent in Hell realms and Heaven realms are dramatically longer than other realms of incarnation, they do not last forever. The Vatican actually cut reincarnation out of the Bible for some reason around 400 A.D. There are excerpts about it in the original Latin and Hebrew bibles but those are near impossible to find now days. But that’s all another story… I’d estimate about 80% of all religions believe in reincarnation in some form or another and Christianity is one of the odd ones out.

With that said, here is what I think. I think that upon death, the spirit quits the physical body and begins on its journey. A stage mentioned in many religious is a period of time where one reflects upon all events in their life. If you’re Christian, they call this Purgatory. In Buddhism, its bardo. Etc. etc. During this time, the energy of the soul and all of its impressions gained upon life are reflected upon.

We know from modern Quantum Theory application, that observation affects outcome at an atomic level. So here is what I’m getting at… the observation of the spirit’s eye, collapses the wave function of the DNA molecule in the living organism, affecting the AT GC bonds in the DNA molecule. That’s probably kinda hard to grasp for most, but its such a profound thought to accept. What if all throughout these millions of years it wasn’t just a happenstance when an organism had a mutation, but rather a choice of the spirit energy wrapping itself around the organic tissue of its new body during gestation and birth.

Let’s use a lizard as an example. They were thousands of times over probably caught by their tail by a predator and eaten because of it. What if upon dieing, the lizards last thought each time was “if only I didn’t have a tail” or “if only it was shorter” or “If only it was detachable”… THIS is conscious creation! We as life forms during our life and as we exit our body determine what is truly useful or not useful to life. Conciousness existing at an immeasurably high wavelength, penetrates all matter in the universe even down to the ATGC bonds in DNA. We collapse that wave function of the bonds as we reflect upon the life we lived.

This may sound out there, but there is a lot more proof than you may think. Russian scientists have done extensive esoteric DNA experiments. To sum up lots of experiements in a few statements, they have proved the following. Our DNA is a cellphone so to speak. It is constantly in real time communication with other specimen with similar genome. This is how humans and even animal mothers can always know something is wrong with their young emotionally or physically at any time in real time. The mothers actually retain some of the stem cells from their young after they give birth so they technically have some of their DNA within their body.

It also has been experimentally proven that DNA is not “read-only” but it is “read-write”. Excluding the computer lingo, this means DNA is constantly rewriting itself based on the experiences of the organism.

 Putting this all together, we as a human race are CHOOSING what we will evolve into with every single action and every single emotion we choose to experience. It is the collective unconscious of the human race which composes God, that assists in this process.

In the end… how could something as intangible as Conciousness be destroyed? We create what our species will become with each life we live…

The Divine Scale

Shallow scientists, denying the Divine.
Ignorant zealots, clinging to falsified wisdom.
Little do they both know,
the Truth is only shown
to those who can balance
the scales of knowledge and wisdom.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Father, Mother, and Child

The Father,
With earth, fire, and lightning,
Forges destiny with his bright will.
With body and knowledge, he sculpts the material world

The Mother,
With water, ether, and mind
Creates a beautiful reality.
With her mind’s eye turned inward,
And placid emotions,
She sculpts the spirit world.

The Child,
With air and consciousness,
Plays freely between Heaven & Earth,
With no attachments,
But boundless love.

The Father and Mother teach the Child,
But rarely do they ever stop to realize.
The greatest lesson on joy
Can only be learned from the Child.

Light and Dark: Data and Storage

 This entire universe is inevitably made of two things, light and dark. Even matter is condense light energy. Light is everywhere. The void too exists everywhere. If there were no voids, nothing could exist separately because everything would be one. From the void between quarks, electrons, and protons, all the way up to the void between planets and galaxies… It too exists everywhere like the light does.

Why this infinite madness of dualities? It is because the cosmos is all one intricate system; One intricate mind. All forms of light and dark exist for the purpose of being the hard drive of the universe; the mind of God.

Light is data. Electromagnetic signals write a code in a language for the universe to read. The computer you are using right now is only possible from the wonders of electromagnetism in an organized manner.

Void is storage. The void of space is shown to have infinite energy density. It must be storehouse of information. It must not be a coincidence that the word ‘Akasha’ translates to space, and that the ‘Akashic Records’ is the storehouse of the past, present, and future.

Is it also more than a coincidence that the third eye chakra is a two petaled lotus representing light and dark and the mind?

The two are infinitely intertwined and interdependent.

Look beyond good and evil.

Look beyond Light and Dark.

It all exists so that infinite possibilities and creations may come into existence in this beautiful universe.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Break the chains,
That bind your heart to your ego.
Untie the strings,
That knit your mind to your consciousness.

Find true freedom,
Even if only a fleeting glimpse,
And remember,
Peace is always within reach.

Energy & Spirit

It is everywhere.
Our entire world and universe is just energy.
An illusion often overlooked is that matter is energy too.
E=mc^2 right?

Break free of the illusions.
Awaken your chi.
Every breath you take, you may choose shallow, life-denying breaths,
or you may breathe full from your belly,
filling yourself with vitality.
Breathe deep with love.
With a gentle heart and a clear mind,
the grid of reality will show itself to you.
The possibilities are endless here.

Consciousness creates this universe.
Create a beautiful reality and the spirits will joyfully come to play in it with you
in a lighthearted joy.
How do you speak the language of spirit?
It is simple.
Speak not just with you mind, but with your heart.
Extend your palm
and feel your message
with faith, intent, and concentration.
Your message will be heard.