Monday, January 24, 2011

Energy & Spirit

It is everywhere.
Our entire world and universe is just energy.
An illusion often overlooked is that matter is energy too.
E=mc^2 right?

Break free of the illusions.
Awaken your chi.
Every breath you take, you may choose shallow, life-denying breaths,
or you may breathe full from your belly,
filling yourself with vitality.
Breathe deep with love.
With a gentle heart and a clear mind,
the grid of reality will show itself to you.
The possibilities are endless here.

Consciousness creates this universe.
Create a beautiful reality and the spirits will joyfully come to play in it with you
in a lighthearted joy.
How do you speak the language of spirit?
It is simple.
Speak not just with you mind, but with your heart.
Extend your palm
and feel your message
with faith, intent, and concentration.
Your message will be heard.

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